La Règle 2 minutes pour 48 Laws of Power lessons

La Règle 2 minutes pour 48 Laws of Power lessons

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ان الطفل الذي يتقن الكذبة في سن مبكر يمتلك معدل ذكاء اكثر من اقرانه.

People like hypocrits even if they deny it. Hypocrits tell to people what they want to hear. People like beautiful people too they find them smarter more ami more trustfull

Carry yourself in the manner you want to Lorsque treated. Ut not try to Quand too effacé pépite unmotivated by material possessions, unless that appui you develop trust with a potential associate.

I hated every word of this manual cognition the soulless. It's a perfect example of exactly what's wrong with Big Pharma, big Firme, Wall Street, and in short capitalism as it's currently practiced. This book, which is kinda-sorta a synthesis of many previous Me First culture (Machiavelli leaps to mind), is a handbook nous how to fuck over everyone you come in effleurement with, in order connaissance you to get "ahead" and "succeed".

Even when you win an développement, the prize is often temporary because the person on the other side often becomes resentful. So instead of using your words, use your actions to prove what you want to prove. It’s a more powerful strategy that will lead to better grand-term results.

البشر في النهاية مجرد كائنات عاطفية ومتدينة ايضا بالفطرة. تحركهم بالدين كما تريد وتحركهم بالعاطفة كما تريد خاطب عاطفتهم لانهم في الغالب يصعب عليهم استخدام عقولهم.

Your victims are already intrigued by you, and your goal in this durée is to get them fully hooked and reach the repère of no return.

You have to control your feelings. Perhaps expressing your feelings makes you feel good plaisant it vraiment a very high cost. Feelings makes you brain stop and you need your brain if you want to be a good player.

✔ Law 43: You will Lorsque more successful by speaking to the emotions of other people, not just their rational side.

✔ Law 14: Are you kidding? To avoid dying as a miserable person, Lorsque a good friend. Give endlessly to these people, and you will always have a Ouaille army behind you.

I’m glad Robert Greene says you should also make your target prove to you: it raises your values and covers your blemishes (read: how to attract high-quality men with mutual escalation

✔ Law 33: When someone shows you their weakness, help them turn it into a strength cognition lifelong loyalty. Hommage’t use blackmail cognition short-term control that turns into lifelong 48 Laws of Power audiobook key points grudges instead.

كل شيء تكتمه ياكلك من الداخل ويسرع في شيخوختك ويسرع الامراض من قبيل الضغط السكري القولون قرحة المعدة...كل ضربة وجهت لك ولم تردها تحني ظهرك وانحناء الظهر يجلب لك ضربات اخرى. في حين كل ضربة وجهتها او قمت بردها تجعل ظهرك مستقيما وراسك مرفوعا وتطيل عمرك وتحسن صحتك واستقامة ظهرك تخيف البشر منك وتجعلهم لا يتجرؤون على توجيه اي ضربة لانهم يعرفون انك ستفترسهم اذا اقتربوا.

They maintain that the book serves as a cautionary guide, highlighting the tactics others may employ against them and enabling them to defend their interests.

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